OlliÅke Urban Farm

Why this project is important?
We need more of these small urban farms like OlliÅke in Sweden that produce food for humans in a local context while building up a healthy and fertile soil. We are proud to team up with OlliÅke urban farm in their effort of local production for local consumption.

In 60 raised beds, a greenhouse and a small open field, Hampus produces 3 tons of regeneratively grown vegetables a year for his bike-delivered CSA and restaurants in the area. With Foodprint Nordic funds, he is now investing in a composting station that includes compost bays, bokashi bins and a mulcher. This will help him produce his own compost and eliminate bringing outside compost into the farm while upcycling and recycling everything on the farm. Hampus is partnering with Alexa Zerkow of Nordic Hemp Hub who is on a quest to help raise awareness about hemp and its myriad benefits for both human and planetary health. They are testing hemp as a cover crop on a newly opened field on his farm and next year, Hampus will also trial hemp as a cover crop on his raised beds. We will be measuring the impacts the cover cropping and composting will have on the health, carbon content, and micro-biology of the soil.

Project Details:

Location: Sweden
Implementation period 2022-2023
Funding Amount: 31.660 DKK
Measurements: Soil microbiology over 3 years.
End report and findings to be shared.

Meet Hampus Mattson & Alexa Zerkow



Søtoftes Have, Denmark


Godis Grønt (part 1) Denmark